Tesis Magister pada SPs UPI Bandung: tidak diterbitkan. Penggunaan Multimedia Interaktif dalam Pembelajaran Cahaya untuk meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains dan Berpikir Kritis Siswa. “An Overview of Recent Research on Multiple Representations”.Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey GSE, 10 Seminary Place, New Brunswick NJ, 08904 “Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers’ Use of Multiple Representations in Technology- Rich Environments”.Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2010, 6(1), 19-36 Department of Physics, 116 Cardwell Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 “Facilitating students problem solving across multiple representations in introductory mechanics”. Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research 3, 010108. “Strongly and weakly directed approaches to teaching multiple representation use in physics”.

“Patterns of multiple representation use by experts and novices during physics problem solving”.Physical Review Special Topics- Physics Education Research 4, 010108. Department of Physics, University of Oslo, NORWAY, and Per Morten Kind, School of Education, Durham University, UK. “Multiple representations as a framework for a modeling approach to physics education”. Curriculum development process carried out in conformance with curriculum components such as: (1) Objectives, (2) the Content or materials (Subjects), (3) process (Strategies) or the delivery of media, (4) Evaluation influenced by conditions of teachers, students, and the means provided madrasah.Angell, C., O. Curriculum development process, involving principals, teachers, and other education personnel. Curriculum as the substance of education in the implementation must be tailored to the needs of students, state schools, state schools, and school districts. Developments in the world of education should be able to improve the quality of students, to follow these developments certainly need to be accompanied by the development of the curriculum by the school to improve the quality of their students by adjusting the situation in each school. The curriculum was developed by the experts of education/curriculum experts, expert knowledge, educators, education officials, businessmen and other community elements. Masalah fokus pembelajaran: ada istilah-istilah IPA yang memiliki arti berbeda dengan istilah-istilah umum pada matapelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, misalnya: gaya. In the integrated curriculum philosophy, values, knowledge, and education actions. The curriculum is an educational plan that summarizes the learning experiences provided for pupils in schools.